Top 10 of the Rarest Honeys on the Planet

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Some of these honeys are rare because of the scarcity of honey plants foraged by bees. Others are rare because they are difficult to harvest. We take you on a world tour through our selection of unique and rare honeys. 


Pitcairn Honey

pitcairn island honey rarest purest honey

Pitcairn honey is considered the rarest and purest honey in the world because there is no pollution on the island.
Made on the island of Pitcairn, a tiny volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean with only 48 inhabitants, it benefits from an ideal setting: perfect climate and total absence of pollution 😀

The bees and plants on this island have never been exposed to chemicals or diseases that could harm their species, so the multi-floral honey produced is of exceptional purity and quality.


Thanks to its unequalled purity, Pitcairn's honey allows you to combine business with pleasure. It is a typical example of alternative medicine. Indeed, we have a natural, organic product that has several healing virtues.

Remember that Pitcairn honey is a polyfloral honey, which allows it to combine the virtues of the different plants and flowers from which it originates. It is a product that

  • reinforces the capacities of our immune system
  • helps us to better assimilate food.

Mangrove honey

mangrove honey miel de mangrove pure rare luxury

Made from the nectar of mangrove flowers, Mangrove Honey is harvested in hives on stilts planted in the heart of the mangroves of Martinique. This marine honey with red reflections, which had almost disappeared following the devastation caused by cyclone Dean in 2007, is one of the rarest honeys in the world.

In the mouth it is an explosion of sweet and salty flavours of iodine and salt, one really feels the two elements: the earth and the sea. It is a little-known honey prized by chefs all over the world. In Martinique, it is also used to garnish punch or rum in general.


So mangrove honey, in addition to the sweetness that benefits the body,

  • through a good energy
  • is healing for respiratory diseases and a pressure balance
  • as well as providing good rheumatism
  • cure the throat

Mad Honey / Wild rhododendron Honey

Vice mad honey miel fou nepal grayanotoxin blog psychedelic beelixir


It is called crazy honey and is exorbitantly expensive in China and Nepal. This honey is special because it is produced by Himalayan bees (Apis dorsata laboriosa). It is the largest bee in the world with just over 3 cm long.

Crazy honey, also known as red honey, is a powerful hallucinogen but also a traditional medicine to treat just about anything. This honey owes its unique properties to rhododendron flowers.

Rhododendron nectar contains an ingredient called grayanotoxin - a natural neurotoxin that, even in small amounts, causes light-headedness and sometimes hallucinations.



  • Antiviral
  • Antibacterial
  • Powerful aphrodisiac
  • Cell regeneration
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Help insomnia
  • Hypertension / hypotension 
  • Arthritis
  • Anti-inflamatory 


Baobab Honey 

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What if you were to travel to the African continent with this semi-strong, very fragrant and sweet-tasting Baobab honey?

Notice to lovers of rare honeys!

This delicious nectar will delight the taste buds of young and old alike!
This honey is harvested in the Kayes region of Mali on the Senegalese border.


  • Natural fortifier
  • Fights effectively against gastric ailments such as diarrhoea or intestinal inflammation
  • Rich in calcium, it helps to fight osteoarthritis 
  • Cares for stretch marks, wrinkles and slows down skin ageing.
  • Natural source of energy 
  • Exellent hair care.

Jujubee Honey

miel de jujubier jujube honey yemen luxury honey beelixir


The jujube tree honey comes from the jujube tree, a wild tree cultivated in Yemen in the Hadramaout region and recognized as a for millennia for its medicinal virtues.

In Yemen, jujube honey is said to be as precious as oil. To merchants, it would bring wealth. Doctors praise this universal remedy.
Its butterscotch taste, its purity, its rarity make it one of the most expensive honeys in the world. It is sold for up to $70 a kilo in Yemen and even $160 in the emirate of Dubai.

To see the beehives, the sort of tied terracotta barrels installed on rough and stony supports, to see a tinkered tent not far from there and the calm and silent Bedouins, one is far from imagining that the art of beekeeping here goes back to the dawn of time, and that the holders of knowledge are often without need.

It is ideally used by sportsmen, after a great effort this honey will be an ally of weight. Also women who have just given birth, the great loss of energy that this generates requires a rest. Consuming this honey greatly accelerates the speed of recovery.


This honey has an impressive number of virtues. For this reason, Yemeni jujube tree honey could be described as a very good generalist honey with an exceptional taste.

  • fertility aid
  • fight diabetes
  • digestion aid
  • fight against infectious diseases
  • fight against ocular infectious diseases
  • strengthen the immune system


Euphorbia honey

euphorbia honey cactus flower beelixir rare honey

Euphorbia honey, also called Daghmouss, is a honey produced exclusively from the flowers of euphorbia, cactus of the desert of Morocco which is an endemic plant growing in the Moroccan Southern Souss.
The bees forage for the cactoid euphorbia plant, an amazing plant whose roots go deep into the rock.

Euphorbia honey is characterized by its fruity side and a very spicy and pungent flavour.
Euphorbia honey is highly appreciated by connoisseurs for its pungent taste,
which transforms all culinary preparations in a full-bodied and original way.


  • tonic and warming agent
  • treating sore throats
  • Evils in general
  • Oral infections
  • Ear infections
  • The problems and diseases related to infertility
  • Improve sexual performance
  • Effective in the treatment of ENT and respiratory diseases
  • Good for hypertension
  • Fight diabetes
  • Cardiovascular illnesses

 Eucalyptus honey

eucalyptus honey flower bees nature blog beelixir luxe virtues medecine

Eucalyptus honey is a honey that is grown mainly in California but is also produced in Spain.

Eucalyptus came from Australia, there are more than 500 species of eucalyptus today and their flowers are colorful; pink, red, white and sometimes yellow.Due to the wide variety of species and flowers, eucalyptus honey cannot describe a flavor specific to honey. There's no way to track a bee that pollinates trees.The colour of eucalyptus honey can vary from light yellow with greenish tints to dark brown depending on where it comes from.

Its creamy consistency and pronounced smell of wood and dried mushrooms are particularly noteworthy, and its strongly minty aroma.


  • fights against infections and diseases of respiratory organs
  • heals infections and diseases of urinary passages
  • Increases immunity
  • Useful in healing skin
  • antidiarrheal

Manuka honey

manuka honey all about rerest honey in world beelixir luxury medecine natural


The manuka is a shrub cousin of the tea tree family. It grows wild in New Zealand.

Some manuka honeys also contain specific antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

This honey is effective on multi-resistant bacteria and appears to have anti-inflammatory and healing properties (this honey is particularly effective on burns and ulcers).

In addition, this manuka honey has intense floral flavors, it develops sweet flavors. Very creamy and unctuous, it is amber, golden more or less dark, its flavour is original, with an aftertaste of eucalyptus.


The main medical use of manuka honey is on a wound. It is generally used to treat minor wounds and burns. Manuka honey is also marketed for use in many other conditions, including :

  • Preventing and treating cancer
  • Reducing high cholesterol
  • Reducing inflammation inside the body
  • Treating diabetes
  • Treating eye, ear and sinus infections
  • Treating gastrointestinal problems

Discover our Manuka honey MGO 550+ here

Litchi honey

litchi flower honey medecine natural benefits beekeeping beelixir

Native to China and Vietnam, the Litchi is a majestic tree that can reach 12 meters. It is also very present in Reunion Island and Madagascar.

Its honey is golden when harvested and then crystallizes quickly to become white. Very powerful, with aromas of roses, quince and slightly smoky notes. To be used with fruits. In Reunion Island, it is cooked on duck breasts.


Trust the hive, which is the best laboratory in the world. Do the same for its workers, who work hard in it.

This 100% natural honey will act as a gastric bandage for your intestinal problems.

  • Relieves stomach aches
  • Fighting acid reflux
  • Helps to cleanse the intestinal flora
  • Helps to solve problems of constipation

Honeydew honey

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It is above all simple honey (just like other bee honeys). But the particularity of honeydew honey is the honeydew flavour it gives off and the virtues it possesses. Honeydew honey comes from insects that like to peck the tender parts of flowers and plants. These insects include ants and aphids, for example, or even mealybugs that feed on the sap from the latter.

Unable to digest all their crops, they simply reject the sweet substances. These constitute honeydew. This liquid substance consists of 90% sugar, and in detail, it is made up of 27 glucoses, 16 water, 38 fructoses, 9 dextroses, 5 melezitoses, and 7 amino acids.

To generate this honeydew honey, bees consume honeydew, the famous sweet substance rejected by insects after piercing certain fragile portions of plants. In this way, the bees collect these remains and use them little by little. Of course, they take them to their hive to process the honey itself. It is therefore the use of the honeydew-forming substance that gives the honeydew honey its flavour.


  • anaemia control
  • fight against respiratory and urinary alterations
  • antioxidant
  • antibacterial
  • destroys ultra-resistant bacteria


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